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Auteur Elma DURMISEVIC |
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Titel : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, Reversible Building Design guidelines (synthesis of D10, 3/2018) Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Elma DURMISEVIC, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2018 Aantal pagina's : 22 p. Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire ressources conception Samenvatting: At the time of diminishing of resources and increase of environmental problems, it has become crucial to understand the capacities of buildings to transform a negative environmental impact of built environment to a positive one. The question is: how does one transform the current linear approach to design of buildings that has one ‘end-of-life’ option (demolition) to a circular design solution that will guarantee multiple life options of the building as well as of its systems, products and materials?
This synthesis of BAMB report D11 looks into three dimensions of transformation (1) dimension of spatial flexibility of building; (2) dimension of technical flexibility of systems and product; and (3) dimension for material flexibility that can make a transition from a linear to circular building. Buildings designed with three dimensions of transformation open opportunities for a great palette of new value propositions of buildings and its systems, products and materials. Those buildings are called reversible buildings.
More detailed information is available upon request.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Guide/Vade-mecum - Gids/Vade-mecum Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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06-Reversible-Building-Design-guidelines-and-protocol-note.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titel : Circular Economy in Construction, Design Strategies for Reversible Buildings Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Elma DURMISEVIC, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2019 Aantal pagina's : 94 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN: ISBN 978-90-821-698-4-3 Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire ressources conception Samenvatting: The publication presents and illustrates design strategies and technical solutions for the realisation of (circular) reversible buildings. It also addresses the key strategy for reversible refurbishment projects.
Numerous design indicators, guidelines and principles are highlighted and illustrated by BAMB pilot projects.
The publication is published as an E-Book and is freely accessible to everyone interested in the new world of circularity of material resources through the built environment.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Guide/Vade-mecum - Gids/Vade-mecum Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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14-Reversible-Building-Design-Strateges.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titel : Explorations for Circular Buildings Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Elma DURMISEVIC, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2019 Aantal pagina's : 130 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN: ISBN 978-90-821698-5-0 Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB économie circulaire construction ressources conception Samenvatting: The publication gives an overview of a broad exploration of factors that determent transformation capacity of buildings and reuse potential of building products and elements for everyone interested in the new world of dynamic circular buildings enabling circular material streams through the built environment of material resources.
The International Design Studio results presented in this e-book have addressed two key elements of Reversible Buildings (i) spatial reversibility and (ii) technical reversibility. Spatial reversibility defines the ratio between fixed and variable space and the capacity of variable space to accommodate different functions. Technical reversibility is about the design of the building structure considering individual recovery and exchangeability of building elements.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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15-RBD-Exploration.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF