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Titel : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, BAMB Pilots - 4 pilots built + Feedback report (D14, 2/2019) : Testing BAMB results through prototyping and pilot projects, Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur ; BRE, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2019 Aantal pagina's : 134 p. Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire ressources conception Samenvatting: The 4 built pilot projects presented are real-scale laboratories for circularity that integrate reversible building design concepts and prove that the economic value of materials can be preserved throughout several transformations.
How were the pilots constructed, disassembled, transformed and/or relocated in a circular way? How was data shared to preserve the value of materials and limit waste generation? How do systems compare in terms of Life Cycle Costing for different transformation scenarios? What business opportunities are seized by real market players? Can users, owners, suppliers and contractors work more closely together from the very start? What policy hurdles are yet to be overcome?
The four built pilot buildings include: Build Reversible In Conception (BRIC) at the EFP in Brussels & Circular Retrofit Lab (CRL) at the VUB in Brussels, Green Transformable Building Lab (GTBL) in Ridderkerk NL, and the Reversible Experience Modules (REMs) travelling exhibition.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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09-20190228-BAMB-D14.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titel : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, Framework for Policies Regulations and Standards (D19, 1/2019) Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: BRE, Auteur ; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Auteur ; Ronneby KOMMUN, Auteur ; Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2019 Aantal pagina's : 208 p. Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire ressources conception Samenvatting: Policies, standards and regulations will have a crucial impact on the applicability of dynamic and circular building design. For example, in terms of circular business model development, such instruments all have a bearing on value creation. Governments and regulators have the potential to be influencing forces in all phases of a building’s lifecycle. In addition, public authorities can take a key role as early adopters and leaders in embedding and normalising circularity.
The transition to a dynamic and circular built environment1 requires both action and vision. This transition will need systemic changes, boosting opportunities and eliminating barriers, going beyond technical innovation. The Framework for Policies, Regulations and Standards provides a roadmap for changes which will allow the transformation of the industry to circular principles, through a set of recommendations to guide policy-makers
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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11-BAMB-Framework-for-Policies-Regulations-and-Standards-with-appendices.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titel : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, BAMB Pilots - Feasibility study + Feedback report (D12, 8/2017) : Testing BAMB results through prototyping and pilot projects Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur ; Zuyd Hogeschool, Auteur ; EPEA Nederland BV, Auteur ; Sarajevo Green Design Foundation (SGDF), Auteur ; Drees & Summer, Auteur ; Technische Universität München (TUM), Auteur ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Auteur ; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Auteur ; BRE, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2017 Aantal pagina's : 134 p. Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire, ressources, conception Samenvatting: This report provides a synthesis of the feasibility analyses performed for each of the 6 BAMB pilot projects that are spread geographically across Europe. These feasibility studies investigate the challenges, opportunities and barriers identified regarding the implementation of Reversible Building concepts. They prepare the later prototyping and construction phases detailed in reports D12 and D13.
New design, manufacturing, construction and maintenance approaches for dynamic and circular buildings are being investigated and demonstrated. Various operational and testing environments are chosen. Reversible Building Design approaches, the implementation of Materials Passports, new business models for circular material value chains, organized supplier communities, etc. developed in other work packages are being investigated in the 6 real construction or refurbishment projects. The constructions are funded foremost by private partner investments. These private partners assign experts (designers, engineers, production houses, contractors…) for the design, manufacturing and construction of the pilots.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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07-D12-feasibility-report-and-feedback-report_web-min-min-min.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titel : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, State of the Art Report on Policies and Standards (11/2016) Documenttype: Publicatie Auteurs: Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur ; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Auteur ; BRE, Auteur Uitgegeven: BAMB Consortium Publicatiedatum: 2016 Aantal pagina's : 175 p. Prijs: Free Taal : Engels (eng) Rangschikking: broeikasgassen
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
ecologische voetafdruk
Gebouwen:duurzaam bouwen
Leefmilieu (algemeen)
nuttige aanwending
werfafvalTrefwoord: BAMB construction économie circulaire ressources conception Samenvatting: Policies and regulations in member states and across the EU will influence our ability to transition to a circular economy – positively and negatively.
This state-of-the-art report aims to give an overview of the current policy instruments that are considered to have relevance in relation to promoting, or possibly hindering, the adoption of circular economy opportunities in the built environment. The analysis of the current policy instruments has been done on a European level and on a member state level for 4 different countries being: Belgium, Portugal, Sweden and UK.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaren
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12-State-of-the-art-report-on-Policies-and-Standards_V2.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF